Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On our way to piano lessons today....

We were almost there and Ben says, "Oh shoot, I forgot my shoes."

By the time we got back home it was too late to go back, so no piano today.

Seriously? Who forgets their shoes?

This happens at least one of every twenty trips.

I thought about it, but he didn't even have SOCKS on!

I could also get some backup crocs I guess. Maybe some pink ones - hehe. Is that wrong?

They also forget to bring home COATS, homework, lunch boxes, etc. from school. So frustrating.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One more that Mark took

He was pretty proud of himself. Please don't mind my roots.
(It's a llama at the Pumpkin patch.)

Happy Halloween

I swear! One of these days I will update on everything we have done in the past few months. In the meantime, here is a little pumpkin:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Guess you peed on the potty TWICE today?!?

Cooper! I swear; I have no interest in training him right now, and this might be a phase.

He pulled his diaper off and said,"go podieeee, go podieeee...." I humored him and let him stand on a stool by the toilet. He peed this morning and then again this afternoon! Go Coop! Big boy bed and potty in the past two weeks. Now he just needs to sleep through the nigh. Ughhhh!