Tuesday, September 23, 2008

American Girl Place

Still catching up! Ahhhh, the stress of a blog. This is almost as bad as keeping up with the baby books.

I took L & little C to the American Girl Store back in August when the older guys were at Camp Grandmama and Grampy Campy.

It was so much fun and a total ZOO! I have never seen so many little girls (and pouting little brothers) in one place. Luci was in Heaven!

She bought pajamas and matching pj's for her Bitty Baby, then we walked around Michigan Avenue until it was time for lunch. No less than a dozen people asked if Luci and Cooper were twins (huh?).

When we got to the restaurant the waitress set up a highchair for my baby and then offered one to Luci who was standing beside me with Bitty Baby AND Dirty Baby. The waitress quickly realized Luci's conundrum and offered her an extra high chair so that both babies could have a special spot.

After lunch we headed to Daddy's work. He rode home with us and both kids konked out in the backseat.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Friends,

Today is Friday.  It is the very first day in a LONG time that we have nothing on the calendar.  We have nowhere to go and nothing scheduled until we pick up B  & C from their play date.

If you happen to stop by, please do not be alarmed.  It is noon and L, C and I are all still in our pajamas.  We just had pancakes for lunch.  

I have loads of laundry going, paperwork on the table (thank you notes will arrive soon!), toy bin organization, and two crafts going.  It looks like a bunch of crazy people live here.  

My husband would have an anxiety attack if he saw us!  Please don't worry.  We will be clean, dressed, and the house will be better than new before you get home (maybe).


Luci "Babysitting"

Luci and I do a lot of things with our babies.  We take them on trips to the store or put them in strollers and take them to the park.  She puts her baby in a swing and I put mine in a swing.  She rubs her baby's foot on her nose when she sucks her thumb and we all crack up when I do the same with my baby.

This day Luci offered to babysit my baby (Cooper).  Who am I to pass up a good babysitter? Especially when the only payment due is candy.

Cheers Uncle Mike!

Coop loves his uncle Mike!  I think Uncle Mike got a little tipsy because Coop made him do "cheers" so much.

No more mom!

Please don't let Luci babysit me any more

Ice cream Man

This guy went down our street at like 8o MPH every day this summer. The kids caught him ONCE, I'm so glad I had some cash and a camera ready!

Nie Nie

One of my friends sent me a link to this incredible blog a while back.  Nie Nie is an inspiration to me as a wife, mother, and just all-around neat human being.  I catch up on her blog whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed with motherhood or life in general and her stories and pictures never fail to revive me.

Nie and her wonderful husband, Christian, were recently in a plane crash.  They both have burns covering their bodies and will be in the hospital for a very long time.  They are so blessed to have survived the crash, but I can't imagine what they are going though.  I cannot get Nie, Christian and their four children out of my mind.  

Please say a prayer for them and take a few minutes (or hours) to read her blog.  What an incredible gift Nie and her family are to the world.  

Nie's blog:

To donate to Nie and her family:

Monday, September 15, 2008

One of the coolest people I know...

He continues to amaze me! My brother:


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just the boys...

Lego Museum

Who's in there?

We had a blast, of course!  We spent an entire day there and all of the kids were in Lego Heaven!